For the love of your business

4 Reasons Why an Entrepreneurial Retreat is Just What You Need Right Now

Business Growth Strategies / Business Productivity/Practices

For many entrepreneurs, being a “workaholic” is the default status. Though such drive and dedication can be positive in short bursts, in the long run it leads to stagnation, burnout, and worse.

Just as experts advise us to step away from what we’re working on for short breaks throughout the day to maximize creativity, the same applies on the macro scale. An ideal way to escape the insane pressures of running a company is to attend one of the numerous different entrepreneurial retreats available.

Entrepreneurial retreats are specifically designed to remove stressed-out business owners from their demanding daily routines, so they can focus on improving themselves mentally, physically, and/or spiritually. While there are dozens of different retreats to choose from, most offer a blend of personal and professional development activities aimed at giving attendees a chance to relax and recharge their creative batteries.

If you’re not sold yet, here are four reasons you should consider taking a little extra “me time” by attending a retreat. They can be one of the most beneficial events you can attend for both yourself and your business.

1. You need to regularly step away from your daily duties to see the bigger picture.

It’s far too easy to stay trapped in the “busy bubble” by throwing ourselves into the daily demand of running a business for months—or even years—at a time without a significant break. This can easily lead to tunnel vision, exhaustion, and health issues if you don’t disconnect from those responsibilities on a regular basis.

By attending a retreat once or twice a year, you’ll have the much-needed time and space to slow down, relax, and look within to more fully develop yourself, not just your business strategy. Recharging your creative energy in this way frequently results in a renewed sense of motivation, focus, and vision, which you can use to enhance your business upon returning.

2. You can receive valuable (and tax-deductible) business training.
Even though retreats are a terrific way to disconnect from the daily grind, many also provide the option to engage in professional-development training through coaching, seminars, and workshops. So beyond personal development through quiet introspection, you can also use these retreats to hone your business and leadership acumen as well. Not only is this a good option for those who find it difficult to spend a week or more doing nothing “productive,” but it also allows you to write off the cost of the retreat on your taxes as a business expense.

3. You can connect with others in your same shoes.
Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people, and it can be extraordinarily beneficial to surround yourself with a group of like-minded peers. Doing so provides a valuable sense of community, social support, and networking opportunities.

Who knows, maybe the guy you meet doing yoga or ziplining has encountered and overcome the very same challenge you’re currently facing. Or maybe he can recommend another professional who can help with your next big project. Or maybe you are that person for him. Or maybe you two simply hit it off and become lifelong friends.No matter who you meet at a retreat, there’s the real potential that those people can become trusted allies and even partners long after the retreat is over.

4. It helps your employees evolve, too.
Though it can be difficult to totally step away and let others run the show while you’re away, a retreat can actually be quite valuable for your employees, too. Provided you give your team ample warning, direction, and authority to handle things in your absence, the experience can be a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

More importantly, handing your team the reins while you’re out helps establish real trust on both sides. Not to mention, it lays the foundation for you to eventually step away for longer periods in the future, when you want to focus on new projects or just take an extended break.

And you might be pleasantly surprised at just how well your team can handle things without you around. They might not need you as much as you think—which is a good thing!

A Family Business Lawyer™  can help you select the entrepreneurial retreat that best suits your unique personal and professional situation. Contact one today to help you find the retreat that best fits you needs.

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